
Dev C Isdigit

  1. C Programming Isdigit
  2. Python String Isdigit
  3. Isdigit C++ Int
  4. Python Isdigit
  5. C++ Isdigit Method

Isdigit returns a nonzero value if c is a decimal digit (0 - 9). Iswdigit returns a nonzero value if c is a wide character that corresponds to a decimal-digit character. Each of these routines returns 0 if c does not satisfy the test condition. Checks whether c is a hexdecimal digit character. For a detailed chart on what the different ctype functions return for each character of the standard ANSII character set, see the reference for the header. In C, a locale-specific template version of this function ( isxdigit) exists in header.

  • The C Standard Library

C Programming Isdigit

  • C Standard Library Resources
  1. Isdigit(1) will be false while isdigit('1') will be true. Just because you use the type char doesn't automatically store characters in the variables. And considering that you read an integer, and store its digits in the digits array, there's no need to check if the digits are actually digits.
  2. Crystal Crystal 16 isdigit is for testing whether a character is a digit character. If you called it as isdigit('9'), it would return nonzero.
  3. C isdigit The isdigit function checks whether a character is numeric character (0-9) or not. Int isdigit( int arg ); Function isdigit takes a single argument in the form of an integer and returns the value of type int. Even though, isdigit takes integer as an argument, character is passed to the function.
Python isdigit
  • C Programming Resources
  • Selected Reading


C++ isdigit method

The C library function int isdigit(int c) checks if the passed character is a decimal digit character.

Decimal digits are (numbers) − 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.


Following is the declaration for isdigit() function.


  • Mixing with traktor pro. c − This is the character to be checked.

Python String Isdigit

Return Value

This function returns non-zero value if c is a digit, else it returns 0.


The following example shows the usage of isdigit() function.

Let us compile and run the above program, to produce the following result −

Isdigit C++ Int


Python Isdigit

morning everyone.
i hope someone out there could really help me.
im trying to store large numbers. as i need to complete my work under Dev-c++ environment but im not familiar with it as i just started using it recently.
the following is my initial coding for my work.

after i compile using Dev-C++, it shows this error description:
invalid conversion from 'char' to 'const char*'
initializing argument 1 of 'int atoi(const char*)'
i've tried all ways to modify my coding but i just cant get it.
really would be happy if someone could help me.
hope to receives some replies as soon as possible.thank you.

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  • commentLatest Postby pearlyLatest Post

C++ Isdigit Method

Ancient Dragon5,243

My guess is the problem is in stack2.cpp. But since you did not post it there is no way to tell. Also please post the exact error message including file and line number

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