
Dev C++ Make File.win Undefined Rerence To Setcurrent Window


Enjoy coding with Dev-C in Windows 8 and Next Version of Windows Operating System Hello Folks, Today i am going to share the steps to install Dev-C in your windows OS and also will share the detail how to fix the Windows not responding problems during compilation time of and coding. Undefined reference errors on compile of c program using gcc 3.2. Temulus asked. However, will not be programming for the Windows platorm at all, so I would like to learn what I did wrong in my program in order for it to compile under gcc. Download software cooking academy. All of the 'undefined reference' errors mention functions that I define in the Movie class. Im using Dev-C This version can use resources and can compile them as well as use events with the resources (ive tested and got the menus to work). The problem is i cant figure out why it wont compile this code. Jun 28, 2010  Yes, start Dev-C and create a new Project. Add your main program's cpp file, then add the other cpp files you intend to use in your project. Make sure you create a 'Console Application' project - not a Windows (GUI) application project. Then use Dev-C to compile the whole project. Apr 23, 2006  Which library does a Dev-C compiled program have to link with to resolve the following Linker error: undefined reference to 'email protected' ld returned 1 exit status when WinMain is clearly defined in the C source code as the name of main, using the Dev-C environment v4.9.9.2. And #include windows.h, i.e.: #include windows.h.

Earlier i had allegro installed and working. It was installed trough devpaks. Today i tried to install allegrogl manually because devpak wasn't up to date so i had to fix those enviroment values 'MINGDIR = c:/devcpp' & 'PATH = c:/devcpp/bin' (i suppose those are right?) I got everything installed manually no errors etc.

But now i'm getting this error when trying to compile anything (no matter what code):
[Linker error] undefined reference to `__cpu_features_init'
ld returned 1 exit status
C:devcppMakefile.win [Build Error] [Project1.exe] Error 1

I uninstalled dev c++, allegro, mingw32 everything and then installed all back and downloaded allegro devpak. And now it is still giving me the same error when trying to compile. I have no idea what is this. I have libraries linked '-lalleg' and i removed those enviroment values also, restarted but still the same. Does someone know how to fix this?

When I compile and run my programs in Dev C++, the output window opens and shows the output. Then instanlty the window flashes and disappears.

How do I make the window stay long enough for me to read the output??

Thanks How to set up auto tune live.

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Dev C++ Make File.win Undefined Reference To Setcurrent Windows 8

The problem is (not really a problem), that the program is running too fast and doesn't have anything to stop it from closing. There are a number of options to solve this, most of them are mentioned here -- '>http://faq.cprogramming.com/cgi-bin/smartfaq.cgi?answer=1043803465&id=1043284385 so if you're using C++ throw a cin.ignore(); and cin.get(); before you return 0; at the end of your program

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